Friday, June 16, 2023

This week in The Loft: Author Jill Piscitello!

Joining me today in The Loft is author Jill Piscitello. A teacher and avid fan of multiple literary genres, Jill writes sweet, holiday romance, and cozy mysteries. When not planning lessons or reading and writing, she can be found spending time with her family, trying out new restaurants, traveling, and going on light hikes. A native of New England, Jill lives with her family and three well-loved cats. 

Author Jill Piscitello

S:  Good morning, Jill. It's great to visit with you again!

What's the best/worst thing that has ever happened to you as a writer?

J:  The best thing that has happened to me as a writer was collecting a string of constructive rejections. In many cases, no response is a “no” or authors receive a standard rejection email. However, every once in a while, an editor takes the time to offer feedback. For me, those moments offer the hope that my manuscript has potential. I take every bit of advice and run with it--after thanking the editor, of course.

S:  Critics say romance novels mislead readers about the reality of romance and in fact, give readers false expectations. Do you agree?

J:   I believe that love exists and that everyone is entitled to find someone to share their life with. I also believe that romance readers are intelligent readers. They know that what they are reading is fiction. We all have our ups and downs, but romance readers want to read about two characters finding their happily ever after in the same way another person reads a horror novel hoping to be scared. The horror reader doesn’t have false expectations that zombies will land on their doorstep. Why would a romance reader believe Prince Charming will come knocking?

S:  Fiction, by definition, is imaginary, untrue. Perhaps some readers need to be reminded of that.

Do you write in genres other than romance?

J:  Yes, my last two books were sweet, holiday romances. "A Sour Note" is a cozy mystery with a dash of sweet romance. The two genres are easily mingled with lighthearted energy and happy endings.

S:  Have you ever shelved or thrown out a manuscript? 

J:  I have shelved several manuscripts because they are incomplete. There’s always the hope I’ll dust them off some day and give them another go.

S:  I often use my cast-offs to generate related, but revised plots. Just because a story doesn't work doesn't mean it's a bad idea.

Complete this sentence: “When one of my books is released, I…”

J:  When one of my books is released, I hold my breath. It’s a bit terrifying wondering how your book will be received.

S:  I'm with you! After all the work that goes into a writing book, a little praise goes a long way.

What inspired "A Sour Note?"

J:  "A Sour Note" was inspired by annual trips to Hampton Beach, NH. The setting and crowds provide endless stories for the imagination.

S:  Is there anything special you would like people to know about "A Sour Note?"

J:  "A Sour Note" is the first in The Music Box Mystery series. Stay tuned for future adventures with Maeve and company. It will be released June 26.

Here's the blurb--

When murder provides a welcome distraction…

On the heels of a public, broken engagement, Maeve Cleary returns to her childhood home in Hampton Beach, NH. When a dead body turns up behind her mother’s music school, three old friends land on the suspect list. Licking her wounds soon takes a back seat to outrunning the paparazzi who spin into a frenzy, casting her in a cloud of suspicion. Maeve juggles her high school sweetheart, a cousin with a touch of clairvoyance, a no-nonsense detective, and an apologetic, two-timing ex-fiancĂ©. Will the negative publicity impact business at the Music Box— the very place she’d hoped to make a fresh start?

S:  I love the cover! It's very striking. Where can readers buy your book?

J:  It can be pre-ordered from--


Amazon Kindle

Barnes and Noble

S:  Jill, thanks so much for joining me today and good luck on your new release.

If you'd like to learn more about Jill and her books, please visit--

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