Friday, July 21, 2023

This week in The Loft: Author Kate Hill!

Joining me today in The Loft is romantic fantasy author Kate Hill.  Kate also writes as Saloni Quinby. A self-professed "vegetarian New Englander," when she's not writing, Kate enjoys reading, working out, watching horror movies, and researching vampires and Viking history. She also runs the "Compelling Beasts Blog," which is dedicated to antagonists, antiheroes, and paranormal creatures. 

Author Kate Hill

S:  Good morning, Kate! It's a pleasure to have you visit The Loft again.

Why did you start writing romance?

K:  I started reading romance novels back in the 80s. I loved them, in particular the heroes. Most of the heroines were extremely hard for me to relate to, and regarding LGBTQ romances, they were practically non-existent and most were pure erotica instead of romance. I also enjoyed horror, fantasy, and science fiction, but I didn’t find many romances that crossed genres in a way I really hoped to see. I started writing the books I wanted to read. Now it’s easier to find diverse characters, kick-ass heroines, and cross-genre stories. That makes me so happy.

S:  While I began writing early, I really wasn't exposed to the romance genre until I was in law school and needed a break from reality. That's what drives my stories now. I want readers to step back and immerse themselves in someone else's story.

Are you self-published or traditionally published? 

K:  For years, I worked with small press publishers and it was great. I learned a lot and met many fantastic people. If you can work with a publisher, definitely go for it. There are so many perks to it. They provide editors, proof readers, cover artists, formatting, and generally, they help with marketing, too. The down side to working with a publisher is you must conform to their rules. Even the least restrictive doesn’t offer the total freedom of indie publishing. I recently decided to stop writing for publishers and have gone completely indie. As much as I enjoyed working with publishers, there’s only so much time in the day, and there are stories I’ve wanted to write that weren’t getting done due to time constraints. The reason I started writing was to tell the stories I want to read, and I want to continue doing that.

S:  What was your worst date ever?

K:  The one that sticks in my mind was with a person I met in a class and knew a little. When they came to my house, they started looking through my cabinets, which quite honestly freaked me out so much that I didn’t continue the date.

S:  I've caught people doing that. Not sure what they thought they'd find in my medicine cabinet or my underwear drawer. So creepy.

If you had to do it all over again, would you still choose to write books?

K:  Definitely. Creating stories is in my nature. I love it.

S:  What’s the best advice you have ever given?

K:  If you make a mistake and someone acts like they’ve never made one, then they’re a liar. Everyone makes them. Do not take their bad attitude to heart. Learn from your mistake, but don’t let anyone make you feel like they’re perfect and you’re not. No one is.

S:  That's a good lesson to remember.

What inspired "Sofia’s Silver Bullet?"

K:  I wanted to write a bad guy turned good hero--usually, my favorite kind! What better place for it than in my Pandemonium universe in which demons have taken over the world? Arturo is an ex-hitman, and he’s also a vampire whose creator is half-vampire and half-demon. Arturo has inherited some demon traits that are uncovered in the story. Sofia is a great match for him because they’re both part of the rebellion against demons. She kicks butt, and she understands betrayal as much as Arturo.

S:  Is there anything special you would like people to know about "Sofia’s Silver Bullet?"

K:  It’s the second story in my indie-published Silver Hearts series, set in the Pandemonium universe. Other Pandemonium books are available from Changeling Press. Silver Hearts stories are short, sexy, age-gap paranormals. I’m currently working on the third story, "Shauna’s Silver Swordsmith."

Here's the blurb--

Arturo--As a mortal, I was a hit man. I’m not proud of it. Since becoming a vampire, I’ve done my best to turn my life around, but violence is in my nature. When demons take over the world, I jump into the rebellion against them. Then I cross paths with a sexy young vampire with more attitude than an alpha werewolf. Like me, she’s no stranger to betrayal, but that won’t stop me from winning her heart.

Sofia--Demons destroyed my world. Now I dedicate my life to the rebellion against them. I’m temporarily partnered with a gorgeous vampire from Boston who exasperates me, mostly because he’s impossible to resist. I’ve been betrayed before, but maybe it’s time to take a risk for love?

S:  I have to admit, demons make me twitchy! But taking a risk for love is always a satisfying read.

Where can readers buy your book?

S:  Kate, thanks for joining me today. If you'd like to know more about Kate and her books, please visit--

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